Circle of Life

Circle of Life

Circle of Life, Raised November 4, 2013

“Circle of Life” Life Adventure Center of the Bluegrass (LAC), 570 Milner Road, Versailles, KY  N 038° 02.017 W 084° 48.547 This pattern has name and design connections to LAC. In existence since 2005, LAC evolved from the non-profit roots of the Cleveland Home for Orphaned girls, which was operated in Versailles since 1875 at the direction of the JC Cleveland Foundation. Today, LACs mission is to educate and empower youth and families to build self-esteem, respect, and responsibility through a variety of outdoor adventure challenges where learning is hands-on, in a natural setting.  Many LAC activities involve the “joining of a circle” to engage and connect individual participants to a larger group for teambuilding.  The blue/green colors of the complementary quarters inside the circle are used in the organizations’ logo and suggest a harmonizing result from team interaction.  The pairs of 4 colored spokes radiating from the circle represent their 4 program areas: equine, challenge/team building, outdoor adventure & environmental education. The colors of these spokes were chosen to symbolize the concept of ancient elements: fire-red, water-blue, earth-brown and vegetation-green with a background of light gray/blue for sky and air



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